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Dog Bite Attorney New Hampshire

Beautiful image of German Shepard canine.

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Dog Bite Injuries 

   Being bitten by an aggressive dog is a deeply unsettling and terrifying experience. The unexpectedness of a dog attack, combined with the pain of being bitten, can create a sense of panic, shock and vulnerability. 

   Dog bites can result in a wide range of injuries and damages, including puncture wounds, lacerations and skin tears.  Dogs have powerful jaws that can cause significant punctures and tearing of the skin.  Severe dog bites can lead to broken bones, especially in the hands or arms if a person uses them fend off the attack.  Dog bites can also result in permanent scars, which may require surgical correction.  Dog Bites can also introduce bacteria into the body, leading to infections like cellulitis or, in rare cases, more serious conditions like sepsis.  If the dog hasn't been vaccinated, there's a risk of rabies transmission.  

   Often times, physical damage caused by dog bites encompass immediate medical care, surgery, rehabilitation, and any ongoing medical treatments. If a victim is unable to work due to the injury, they can claim compensation for lost income. For long-term injuries or complications that require ongoing medical attention a victim can claim future medical expense. 

   Some victims might relive the trauma and experience heightened fear around dogs.  This includes anxiety, nightmares, and general emotional suffering post-incident. Some victims develop long-term fears of dogs or similar animals. The memory of the incident often replays in the victim's mind. For many, there is an outright fear of dogs.  The trauma can extend to victims becoming hesitant to engage in activities where dogs might be present. The experience is not just a fleeting moment of pain; it often evolves into a prolonged journey of recovery, both physically and mentally.

   A victim of a dog attack can recover money for these injuries. 

Why Might Someone Need a Dog Bite Injury Attorney?

     In a dog bite incident, the aftermath can be significant. Following the bite, the injured party often requires medical attention which may include hospitalization, physical therapy, and consultations with specialists like plastic surgeons.  This medical care often results in accumulating bills. Coupled with the inability to work due to injuries, this can lead to financial challenges for the victim.  Beyond the financial implications, there can be emotional impacts to consider.  When the accident is the result of another party's negligence or recklessness, they are typically held responsible for the injuries and associated costs.


     In such cases, a personal injury attorney can be engaged to represent the interests of the injured party. The attorney's role is to ensure that the party that caused the accident covers the medical costs and any other associated expenses. A personal injury attorney also works to obtain compensation for non-tangible impacts, such as pain and suffering.

     New Hampshire has a statute purposed to help dog bite victims recover money from a person who owns, keeps, or possesses a dog that bites them.  The statute holds dog owners responsible for keeping their dogs under control and holds owners strictly liable for any damage which a victim proves was occasioned by a dog's vicious or mischievous conduct: 

     NH RSA 466:19 Liability of Owner or Keeper. – "Any person to whom ... damage may be occasioned by a dog not owned or kept by such person shall be entitled to recover damages from the person who owns, keeps, or possesses the dog ..." (Excerpt).

    The statute is important because the dog bite victim does not have to prove that the owner, keeper, or person controlling the dog negligently caused the dog to bite its victim. 

At trial the plaintiff need only prove:

1. The dog had an owner, keeper, or handler other than the plaintiff;

2. The dog bit the plaintiff, and 

3. The bite caused injury to the plaintiff. 

If you or someone you know has been severely injured by a dog bite, you should consult with an attorney.  Your consult with Apis Law is free. 

Image of dog about to bite a person.


Dog stalking a woman in a street.

Apis Law | Dog Bite Attorney 
Keith F. Diaz, Esq.

    Apis Law stands out for its representation of victims of dog bites.  The firm's principal attorney, Keith F. Diaz has nearly two decades of legal experience.  Attorney Diaz supports victims of bog bites, making sure they get the compensation they deserve.   Over the years, Attorney Diaz has obtained substantial settlements for his clients. ​​

Personal Injury Law Firm

     Are you seeking legal representation in New Hampshire for dog bites or serious personal injuries caused by animals? Apis Law handles a wide range of personal injury cases including dog bites and personal injury caused by other animals.  Apis Law also represents victims of car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, slip-and-fall incidents, construction accidents, assault and battery, work-related injuries, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, injuries resulting from unsafe conditions on someone else's property, and medical malpractice.  Attorney Diaz stands out with 20 years of experience, consistently achieving significant settlements for his clients.

     At Apis Law, we understand the depth of each personal injury case. Every individual, every story, and every injury matter to us. We believe in personalized justice. If your dog bite injuries prevent you from visiting the office, we will visit you.  Doing life is hard enough on your own.  Sometimes you need someone to take up your cause and fight.  Apis Law is your advocate, counselor, and litigator.  

     Apis Law's mission is more than just legal representation.  It's about passionately defending your rights and ensuring you get the compensation you truly deserve. As you journey toward recovery, trust Apis Law to be the dependable advocate in your corner.

"Attorney Keith Diaz is the best personal injury lawyer I have worked with. From the beginning, he explained everything to me and was always very responsive when
I had questions. If anyone is looking for a knowledgeable attorney, I highly recommend his law office and would definitely work with Keith again." M.Gosselin

Picture showing a person's left leg being bitten by dog

What compensation can one expect following a dog bite?

     Monetary compensation in civil claims and lawsuits serves to make victims whole after suffering harm, while also ensuring that those responsible for negligence or wrongdoing are held accountable. After an accident, you may be eligible to claim for:

- Medical expenses, both immediate and ongoing

- Lost earnings from being unable to work post-accident

- Diminished earning capacity due to potential disabilities

- Physical pain and emotional suffering

- Psychological trauma and distress

- Reduced enjoyment or quality of life

- Lasting physical scars or disfigurement.

     If you've suffered an injury in New Hampshire due to a dog bite, reach out to the dedicated personal injury lawyers Apis Law.  Call us at 603-785-1013.  Your first consultation is free, regardless of whether we proceed with your case.  Our fees only apply if we successfully secure compensation for you. We are deeply committed to serving our clients' best interests, so contact us today for your no-obligation consultation.



470 Mast Road

Goffstown, NH 03110


(603) 785-1013


(603) 386-6565

Office Hours:

M  - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

T   - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

W  - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Th - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

F   - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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